Thursday, August 30, 2007


Being in the land of "coffee" is a beautiful experience. However, having a cup of coffee isn't. Even though you can stroll through some of the best coffee groves in the world and touch the powerful caffeine pellets, the entire Central American population drinks thier coffee in the "Instant" form. Grody!!!
They do make up for it with their wide selection of tasty Beer. AND!!! The soda is made with Real sugar, not High Fructose Corn Syrup. It still ain't healthy, but not as damaging as High Fruc....and it tases so much better. The Coke, Pepsi and 7-UP reminded me of when I was a kid.
Mmmmmm good!!
I'm back, and there won't be any more posts. I'll put some pics up when I get a chance. Still have to unpack you know.

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